How to prepare for the FInal Exam

Several students have asked me what would be the best way to prepare for this final.  So here is key things you should look over, bring with you, take pictures of, have notes of, etc. that can help you during the final:

1) The 7 epochs in your life that you wrote on the back of the syllabus on your first day of class
2) What was the event in your pre-writing that inspired you to choose your profession?
3) What were some of the  positive things that other people have noticed about your profession from your advertisement?
4) What were some of the negative things that other people have noticed about your profession, from your videos?
5) What were some the problems you identified about your profession?
6) What were some of the positive things that you noticed that could be gained by your Core 4 strategy?

Final Exam Information

We will be meeting in Leatherman Hall, room 106 on Wednesday, April 26 at 11:45-1:45.

You will need to turn in your Core 4 Paper in an envelope, your Quizzes (preferably in the folder with your previous quizzes where I have written your quiz scores), and any revised papers you might have (in their own separate envelopes with the previous paper you are revising).

Please check MLA format with your book.  Remember, I will be using the Prentice Hall Guide to grade your Core 4 paper and it should adhere to those guidelines regarding citations, page, and format issues.  As a reminder, you need to cite your research and you need a works cited page.

For the exam itself, you will need paper and a pen.  Other materials we will need for class will be provided. 

We will start promptly at 11:45 and will be there until the end of the exam period. 

If you would like to meet with me to discuss your paper or anything else, I will be in my office tomorrow, from 12:00-4:00pm.  Please make an appointment with me via e-mail if you would like to meet with me at a specific time.  If not, then it is first come, first serve basis.

Here are some last minute tips, if you have any problems writing your English Paper.

For Today's Class

Work to clarify your thesis statements and your overall review.  In addition, before the end of class,
I want to see examples of repetition, transitional words/phrases, and combining sentences in your paper today. 

Using the following links to help you edit your paper:

Combining Sentences

Tuesday Changes (paper will now be due Tuesday, March 7)

Hello Everyone,

I know you're all working hard on those rough drafts.  Bring in those rough drafts tomorrow and we're going to go over them as a class and talk about how it relates to Chapter 20 and Chapter 21 in your Prentice Hall Guide.  I want to cover that before you turn in your papers because I want this paper to be stronger.  We'll have our peer reviews on THURSDAY of this week, and your paper will be due TUESDAY, MARCH 7th instead of this Thursday.

See you tomorrow!

- Gary Ancheta

Homework for Tuesday's Class

1) Find your Videos (2)
2) Read Chapter 20
3) Read the following reviews
  1. Review One
  2. Review Two
4) Do the "Audience Analysis" part of your syllabus.  

Videos for Tomorrow's Class (Updated with Reviews)

Videos of the 12:45 Class

* The Review from the 2:10 Class:
Video One:
"We created a similar video for Professor Ancheta's Class, so we know the message and how one would go about making video like this one.  Group A did a very good job getting its point across, but there was no sense of urgency to their narrative.  The main character wasn't running, he was walking and taking his time.  When he got to the classroom, we did not know how late he was.  When he got to the classroom, the teacher just let him in with no repercussions.  Maybe if Group A sped up the pace or had music to set up the urgency off the narrative, or even showed a clock that had the time he left vs. the time he got to class, we would've gotten more of a sense of his lateness."

*The Review from the 2:10 class:
Video Two:
"We created a similar video for Professor Ancheta's Class, so we know the message and how one would go about making video like this one.  Group B was able to effectively tell us their message as well as show us the stakes.  They had music that kept pace with the narrative (although it was slightly off at parts).  They showed the teacher give us the stakes on the board by writing it out.  Maybe diversifying the group (and the person playing the teacher) might have helped giving the illusion that it was a different group of people.  Overall, Group B was more effective in showing the panic of what it would like to be if they were late."

Video of the 2:10 Class

* The Review from the 12:45 Class
"I was in a similar class, where we had to do a similar assignment in showing a video based around the theme of "being late for class."  The main problem with this video is that it doesn't tell the story of being late for class, it tells the story about not having your work ready on time.  The main character set the alarm wrong and didn't have her paper ready (she may have hit the snooze alarm before that, but we don't know for sure). They focused on the paper that is due, not the time it took for the student to get to class. The teacher lets the student in class and allows them to turn in the paper, and the student's downfall is that they didn't have the paper, not that they were late for class.  The acting was good and they included a lot of detail, but with few tweaks, you can focus more on the message of being late than on not being prepared for class."
