Your Paper is Due Tomorrow

Turn in your paper tomorrow, during regular class time, at FH 239.  I will have a pink crate outside of my office just for your papers.  It will be underneath my name and the picture of Captain America above.  My office mate will collect the crate and lock it into the office after your class is over, so make sure you drop it off on time.

If it is not in the crate, it will be 10 points off if you turn it in on Monday.

Your materials need to be in a manila envelope.  I will not accept papers in anything other than a sealed or clasped manila enveloped.  On your envelope you need to have your Name, My Name (Gary Ancheta), Your Section Number, and Core One.  Inside your envelope, you will need your Draft Zero on the bottom, Your Peer Reviewed Draft (with comments) in the middle, and your final draft on top.

I take your papers seriously and I expect you to take every precaution to ensure that I receive your materials so that I can properly give you a grade.

Make sure you read Core 2 Worksheet above (which should be up by Thursday night).  Make sure you do the readings before you come to class on Tuesday.  You will have a quiz on next week's readings.  Also, come in with some ideas for what you would like to do for your Core 2 paper.  We'll discuss them in class on Tuesday.

- Gary Ancheta


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